The FT Aura 5 Lite was created through a special collaboration between Flex Innovations and Flite Test to make a stabilization system that is flexible and does not eliminate the personality of the aircraft but enables you to get the most out of it, no matter what your skill level is. For pilots that have experience with stabilization in their aircraft, the benefits of the FT Aura 5 Lite may be obvious, but to someone who is new to the concept, heres what you can expect:
- Easy Configuration, Powerful Features, Flexible Design and Simple Setup
This stabilization system can be taken out of the packaging and installed directly into an aircraft without advanced configuration. A generic sport profile comes pre-installed on the board. Simply plug your servo leads into the appropriate ports and mount the unit in the proper orientation indicated on the included Quick Start Guide. Using the two buttons on the board, you can easily navigate basic features like servo reversing, gyro testing and even aircraft configuration (conventional, elevon etc.). Beginner Assist modes can even be activated without connecting the board to the Aura Config Tool.
- Smooth Flight Experience
On a windy day, or in less than ideal weather, stabilization reacts quickly to movements of the aicraft that are not commanded by the pilot. The stabilization gives you an experience with more control and authority over your aircraft.
- Clean Responses
The Aura is designed to enhance the pilot’s experience, while not interfering with the Pilot’s control. Your aircraft will fly as if it were bigger and in less wind, even though it is agile as you want it to be.
- Programming and Mixing
All the power of your mixing, subtrims, wing configuration and even differential thrust is contained with the board on your aircraft which makes it so even the most simple transmitters can fly an advanced configuration. It may seem intimidating but all of these advanced features are configured through the Aura Config Tool. The configuration is as simple or as complex as you would like it to be based on your needs.
- Small Hardware Size
It was important that the size would allow it to fit in even the smallest aircraft. With a 33x28mm footprint and weighing only 5 grams, this board is designed to fit in sub 250g micros all the way up to giant scale aircraft. (See notes below). Even with the small size, the FT Aura 5 Lite can control up to 5 outputs based on the configuration you need.
- Flexibility
The FT Aura 5, like other Aura systems, is capable of flying any protocol, such as Futaba, Spektrum, FrSky, Hitec, Graupner, etc. With multiple ports for a serial connection, many receiver brands can connect with just a single cable. (DSM2/DSMX Satellites, Futaba S.Bus, or SRXL (Spektrum, JR Mode B, Jeti UDI 12, Jeti EX-Bus and Graupner SumD).